Angel Heart (1987) Full HD Movie

Down-and-out private detective Harry Angel is ordered by the mysterious Louis Cyphre to go on a mission to find a missing person. His routine failure soon leads to a bloody spar with himself, as he goes on a supernatural journey into his own soul. Watch Angel Heart | Prime Video

Angel Heart somewhat resembles the film The Exorcist: the wealth of detail (the film wonderfully depicts 1950s Louisiana) can obscure the plot, but repeated viewings provide better understanding. Harry Angel (played by Mickey Rourke) is a smart-aleck private investigator who does the job while avoiding personal involvement.

Angel Heart (1987)

Directed by Alan Parker. With Mickey Rourke, Robert De Niro, Lisa Bonet, Charlotte Rampling. A private investigator is hired by a man who calls himself Louis Cyphre to track down a singer named Johnny Favorite. But the investigation takes an unexpected and somber turn.

Angel Heart

The time is the 1950s: seedy Brooklyn private eye Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke) is hired by shady Louis Cyphre (Robert De Niro) to locate a pop singer who rene...

Angel Heart subtitles | 220 subtitles

Angel Heart subtitles. AKA: Серце Ангела, Aux portes de l'enfer. Harry Angel has been hired in seach for the truth. Pray he doesn't find it.. The down-and-out private detective Harry Angel is ordered, by a mysterious man named Louis Cyphre, to go on a mission to find a missing person. His routine failure soon leads to a bloody spur with himself as Harry Angel goes on a supernatural ...

Angel Heart 1987 Full Movie

Angel Heart (1987){MOVIES DOWNLOAD] HD by Leonor Mueller. 1:56. REVIEW : Angel Heart (1987) / Top 3 "Movie Devils" by The Q Filmcast. 59:57.

Angel Heart (1987)

Angel Heart - I Know Who I Am!: Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke) discovers the terrible truth when he realizes he sold his soul to Cyphre (Robert De Niro). BUY TH...

Angel Heart (1987)

Angel Heart is a thriller and a horror movie, but most of all it's an exuberant exercise in style, in which Parker and his actors have fun taking it to the limit.

Angel Heart movie review & film summary (1987) | Roger Ebert

This is one of those movies where you leave the theater and re-run the plot in your head, re-intrepreting the early scenes in terms of the final shocking revelations. "Angel Heart" is a thriller and a horror movie, but most of all it's an exuberant exercise in style, in which Parker and his actors have fun taking it to the limit.

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