The Gingerbread Man (1998) Full HD Movie

Savannah lawyer Rick Magruder is at a party celebrating his courtroom victory defending a cop killer when a member of the catering staff, Mallory Doss, discovers her car has been stolen. Having had a few drinks, Magruder offers to give her a lift home, a decision that turns into a one night stand. Rick soon learns that her nut-case father, Dixon, seems to have begun threatening her again. Rick puts the force of his law firm behind Mallory, who he barely knows, has Dixon picked up by the police, and subpoenas the girl's belligerent ex-husband, Pete, to testify against the old man. Dixon is put away in an asylum. However, he soon escapes, putting the lives of everyone who conspired against him in jeopardy.

The Gingerbread Man

Released January 23rd, 1998, 'The Gingerbread Man' stars Kenneth Branagh, Embeth Davidtz, Robert Downey Jr., Daryl Hannah The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 54 min, and received a score of (out ...

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The Gingerbread Man R • Thriller, Drama, Horror • Movie • 1998 A Savannah attorney is drawn into a complex web when he represents - and sleeps with - a woman whose father is violently insane. The Gingerbread Man: Movies & TV

To view this video download Flash Player VIDEOS 360° VIEW IMAGES The Gingerbread Man Rated: Unrated. Format: DVD. 3.8 out of 5 stars 100 ratings. Blu-ray $21.21 DVD $15.35 VHS Tape from $2.43 Additional DVD options: Edition Discs Price New from Used from DVD June 1, 2010 ...

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Gingerdead Man escapes from jail and takes a time machine to disco fever 1976, where no roller-boogie girls or disco dudes are safe from his mayhem.

The Gingerbread Man (1998)

Directed by Robert Altman. With Kenneth Branagh, Embeth Davidtz, Robert Downey Jr., Daryl Hannah. A lawyer uses his power to help his lover put her father behind bars, but when he escapes, they are all in danger.

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The Gingerbread Man film Wikipedia ~ The Gingerbread Man is a 1998 American legal thriller film directed by Robert Altman and based on a discarded John Grisham manuscript The film stars Kenneth Branagh Embeth Davidtz Robert Downey Jr Tom Berenger Daryl Hannah Famke Janssen and Robert Duvall Plot Rick Magruder Kenneth Branagh

The Gingerbread Man

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The Gingerbread Man (film)

The Gingerbread Man was intended to come out in the fall of 1997 but was delayed after an audience test screening reportedly went poorly. Polygram Films brought in an outsider in to re-edit the movie without informing Altman, and claimed that his version "lacked tension and suffered from an inappropriate music score".

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