Repossessed (1990) Full HD Movie

It's been some time since Father Jebedaiah Mayii exorcised the Devil from little Nancy Aglet, who is now grown up with a husband and two children of her own. But the prince of darkness wants to go a second round and has returned to repossess her! With Father Mayii unwilling to help, Father Luke Brophy tries his best to help Nancy, even when TV's Ernest Weller plans to air the exorcism live on TV.

Watch Repossessed (1990) Full Movie Online Free

Watch Repossessed (1990) Full Movie Online Free. It's been some time since Father Jebedaiah Mayii exorcised the Devil from little Nancy Aglet, who is now grown up with a husband and two children of her own. But the prince of darkness wants to go a second round and has returned to repossess her! With Father Mayii unwilling to help, Father Luke Brophy tries his best to help Nancy, even when TV's ...


Repossessed. 1990 84 minutes. Horror. 4. Add to Wishlist. $5.99 Buy SD. A parody of the famous horror movie, "The Exorcist". Linda Blair plays a housewife who becomes possessed by the Devil while watching TV. Leslie Nielsen plays Father Mayii, who gets called to exorcise the intrusive being.

Repossessed (1990)

Directed by Bob Logan. With Leslie Nielsen, Linda Blair, Ned Beatty, Anthony Starke. Parody of The Exorcist (1973), with Linda Blair once again possessed by Satan, and Leslie Nielsen as the exorcist.


Looking to feast your eyes on 'Repossessed' on your TV, phone, or tablet? Searching for a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Bob Logan-directed movie via subscription can be a ...

Repossessed (1990)

This is almost a follow-up to its relative The Exorcist, since it stars Linda Blair, also the leading lady in the '70s head-spinner tale. In Repossessed, a grown-up Blair plays a housewife who ...

Watch Repossessed Full Movie

How To Stop Your Home From Being Repossessed : What can I do to stop my home being repossessed?


Repossessed - Awfully Good Movies (1990) Linda Blair, Leslie Nielsen After a long summer’s break, Awfully Good Movies has once again returned for its 100th episode spectacular, and since the new ...

Repossessed 1990 Movie

Official video content provided by Live Home Video or one of it's authorized agents. More clips, photos, and news: Follow Videodetectiv...

Repossessed (film)

Repossessed is a 1990 American comedy film that parodies the 1973 horror film, The Exorcist.It was written and directed by Bob Logan.The film features the original star of The Exorcist, Linda Blair, as well as Leslie Nielsen and Anthony Starke.Many gags parodied events in The Exorcist, such as the green-vomit and head-spinning scenes.

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