The Seven Year Itch (1955) Full HD Movie

With his family away for their annual summer holiday, Richard Sherman decides he has the opportunity to live a bachelor's life. The beautiful but ditzy blonde from the apartment above catches his eye and they soon start spending time together - maybe a little too much time!

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Tom Ewell won the 1953 Best Actor Tony for George Axelrod's comedy, THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH. The play had 1151 performances from 11/20/52 to 8/13/55. Unlike the movie, Broadway audiences heard the inner thoughts of both Ewell and "the Girl." These lines were read by off-stage actors.

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The Seven Year Itch Marilyn Monroe Tom Ewell Evelyn Keyes (1955) The blonde (Marilyn Monroe) upstairs gives a man (Tom Ewell) ideas, especially with his wife (Evelyn Keyes) gone for the summer.

The Seven Year Itch subtitles | 99 subtitles

The Seven Year Itch subtitles. AKA: Свербiж сьомого року, La tentación vive arriba, La comezón del séptimo año, Sept ans de réflexion. It TICKLES and TANTALIZES! - The funniest comedy since laughter began!. With his family away for their annual summer holiday, Richard Sherman decides he has the opportunity to live a bachelor's life. The Seven Year Hitch (Hallmark): Darin Brooks ...

Seven Year Hitch (don't ya just love the title) is cute, funny, a little serious and has all the things I like in a movie. Is the plot believable? It may be a bit far fetched but hey, you watch a movie to get-away-from-it-all, there is enough reality in the world.

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The Seven Year Itch (1955)

Directed by Billy Wilder. With Marilyn Monroe, Tom Ewell, Evelyn Keyes, Sonny Tufts. When his family goes away for the summer, a hitherto faithful husband with an overactive imagination is tempted by a beautiful neighbor.

The Seven Year Itch (1955)

The Seven Year Itch is very much a product of 1950's Hollywood. Women weren't given great roles, and so the prototypical 'dumb blonde' gig that Monroe gets here isn't all that surprising.

The Seven Year Itch

The Seven Year Itch is a 1955 American romantic comedy film based on a 1952 three-act play with the same name by George Axelrod.The film was co-written and directed by Billy Wilder, and stars Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell, reprising his Broadway role from the play.It contains one of the most notable images of the 20th century – Monroe standing on a subway grate as her white dress is blown ...

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