The Sweet Hereafter (1997) Full HD Movie

A small mountain community in Canada is devastated when a school bus accident leaves more than a dozen of its children dead. A big-city lawyer arrives to help the survivors' and victims' families prepare a class-action suit, but his efforts only seem to push the townspeople further apart. At the same time, one teenage survivor of the accident has to reckon with the loss of innocence brought about by a different kind of damage. The Sweet Hereafter [DVD]: Movies & TV

Atom Egoyan's most successful film to date, THE SWEET HEREAFTER garnered a staggering 42 international festival awards including the 1997 Cannes Grand Jury Prize - and was graced with two OSCAR nominations (Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay).

The Sweet Hereafter

Released October 4th, 1997, 'The Sweet Hereafter' stars Ian Holm, Caerthan Banks, Sarah Polley, Tom McCamus The R movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 52 min, and received a score of (out of 100) on ...


?Watch The Sweet Hereafter Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming service, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, CThe Sweet Hereafterchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc....

The Sweet Hereafter 1997 Full Movie streaming [DOWNLOAD ...

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The Sweet Hereafter (1997 Movie): Summary & Analysis ...

The Sweet Hereafter (1997 Movie): Summary & Analysis. Posted on November 27, 2019 November 27, 2019 by JL Admin. Summary: The Sweet Hereafter is a film about trauma. After a fatal bus crash that kills almost all of a town’s children, a lawyer tries to rouse some of the victims’ families to pursue a class action suit. The young girl, who is ...

The Sweet Hereafter movie review (1997) | Roger Ebert

A cold, dark hillside looms above the Bide-a-Wile Motel, pressing down on it, crushing out the life with the gray weight of winter. It is one of the strongest images in Atom Egoyan's “The Sweet Hereafter,” which takes place in a small Canadian town, locked in by snow and buried in grief after 14 children are killed in a school bus accident. To this town comes a quiet man, a lawyer who ...

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